A warm welcome to our St Nicholas Australind website.
Thanks for stopping by. You will find regularly updated posts from various members of our community sharing aspects of our life. We are a people of great hope as we have said 'Yes' to God's loving invitation in Christ Jesus. We are a people privileged to share the Good News of Jesus with others. May God bless you now as you look around our site. Send any queries to us via our contact page or phone and leave a message if we're not available.
What kind of church are we?
We are an Anglican Church
St. Nicholas is a member of the Anglican Diocese of Bunbury and part of the worldwide Anglican communion. Our Bishop is Ian Coutts. We participate in the Diocesan Synod (like a parliament) and adhere to Diocesan policies e.g. surrounding Safe Church. We also have a partnership relationship with the Anglican Diocese of Kapsebet, in Kenya.
We are an Evangelical church
This means that we believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. We are committed to the gospel message that Jesus is the saviour of all humanity and to sharing this message with others.
We are a Church Open to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are intended for Christians today, for their personal benefit and the benefit of the church. We explore these gifts through the Alpha course, our Sunday evening prayer meetings and the Living Free course. We have established a prayer ministry team who can minister to others using these gifts at the end of our morning services and at Living Free prayer appointments.
We are a church with a 'Kingdom' Mindset
We see the grace of God in all Christian churches. We do not seek to compete with other churches but work with them to further the kingdom of God. We coordinate termly Combined Churches Prayer Meetings with other churches in our local area. We support local, national and worldwide missions - eg YouthCare, Bush Church Aid and the Church Missionary Society. We support directly two youth chaplains in our area, both financially and in prayer. We are the learning hub for Local Houses of Prayer in WA.
We are a prayerful church
We believe in the power of prayer in Jesus' name to change lives, our church and our world. We believe it is our responsibility to seek the Lord for His will and be ready to put into practice what He asks of us. As well as our Sunday evening prayer meeting we have a Prayer Watch team, made up of individuals who commit to praying once a week on a set day, either during the morning or evening, for St Nics and our wider community. We also have 7 additional prayer groups praying blessings specifically for our local area, our shire and local businesses, amenities and services.
What are our Core Values?
Our core values are summed up in what we call the 5B's
Bless Abundantly - As people who have been abundantly blessed by God, we want to be a blessing to one another, to our community, to visitors and to those at the edge of church life. We especially bless our local community firstly in prayer then through our volunteer-run Op shop and administration of emergency relief. We actively pray and speak blessings as above.
Belong Wholeheartedly - belonging to any church means more than attendance at Sunday morning services, It means loving one another and each one of us playing our part. We have several small groups called Growth Groups, which meet at different times during the week. In these groups friendships are made, faith is built up and gifts and talents are shared. We encourage everyone who considers themselves a member of St Nic's to belong to a Growth group. We also encourage each member to be a part of a service team which supports our life together eg the Hospitality team.
Believe Increasingly - we recognize that faith is a journey of continual exploration and learning, We grow in our understanding and faith together, through our Growth Groups and Sunday morning teaching. We also use a range of courses to strengthen and deepen our learning in core areas of Christian belief and practice. These courses include the Alpha Course, the Discipleship Course, the Living Free Course, and the Being Together course. You can find out more about these courses here (insert links) and also read reviews from those who have participated. We are also incorporating Local Houses of Prayer thinking into our community life.
Behave with Integrity - As we learn and grow together, our behaviour and our actions should reflect our beliefs more and more. We want the gap between what we say and what we do to become smaller and smaller until we are known as people who love the Lord and each other wholeheartedly. None of us is perfect and this doesn't happen overnight! We also need to practice asking for forgiveness and forgiving one another when we need to. We learn more about how to do this particularly in our Being Together and Living Free courses.
Become Good News - When we tell others the Good News of Jesus we want not just our words but our whole lives to be a witness to them. We desire that when people see us, they see something of the light and life of Jesus in us - when we are together, or when we are with our friends, families and work colleagues. We hope to be a blessing wherever we go.
How Can I get more involved?:
- Regularly attend our services on Sundays at 9.00 am our Local House of Prayer gathering at 5.00 pm or simple communion on Wednesdays at 9.00 am. All are welcome to these services.
- Try out and join a Growth Group
- Sign up for Alpha. Even if you have done Alpha before, it's a great way to get to know people from the church and others who are new to St Nics
- Sign up for one of our other courses
- Volunteer for one of our service teams. Be aware that all volunteer positions require safe church police checks and some of our positions involve working with children checks. Others, such as the Parish Council, are not suitable for newcomers but may be something you might like to explore in the future.
You can sign up for any of these by either speaking to a leader of a growth group, service team or teaching course or filling out your details and interest via our contact form.
Please scroll down to find out more about us or click on the tabs above. We run a number of courses here and if you are interested in joining one please get in touch with us. We run an additional Growth Group online Tuesday evenings at 7.30 pm. If this interests you please email us at stnicholasminster@gmail.com and we will chat with you further to see if this might work for you.
If you are interested in finding out more about Jesus and why we follow Him Alpha is a great way to get started. View the video below to find out more.
Latest News
Check out our blogs below. These loop through with 8-second intervals- we have a lot of blog posts! Click on ones that interest you.
We will be running an Alpha course in 2024. Please let us know if you would be interested in joining this. We already have several people interested and will confirm the dates in January 2024. To register your interest in joining a future Alpha course please click here.
Joining one of our courses.
Over the years, we have written or adapted a number of courses that help us move towards living life in all its fullness. At St Nics we are looking to grow as disciples of Jesus. These courses are based on biblical teaching and apart from Alpha assume that we have begun our discipleship journey with Jesus. Have a look at our testimony page to see some comments on these. Quite a number of people in our current church community have participated in some or all of our courses. However, we are now in a position where we will rerun a course if we have sufficient new participants. If you are new to St Nics Alpha is a great start. You might then take the 1:1, 6 weeks 'Discipleship course' with an approved mentor. After that, you could join in 'Being Together' which is about community Life. 'Living Free' is in my view the most significant course we have to date and my hope is that most people who call St Nics their spiritual home would complete this course.
If you are interested in one of our courses please contact us via email at stnicholasminster@gmail.com. We'll let you know when we have sufficient participants and see if we can make it happen!

Sunday Services
We meet each Sunday at 9 am. The shape of the service is largely traditional with the addition of a few more contemporary worship songs. There is youth and childrens group running during the service called "God's Outstanding Team" for ages 8-14 years old. We offer prayer ministry after the services, as well as hospitality before and afterwards. Sermons are made available online.
Wednesday Communion Service
9 am Wednesday
As with Sunday services, social distancing, regular hygiene continues. This service is a simple communion together with shortened teaching and hospitality afterwards. I usually explore one of the Saints or Christian heroes/heroines of the faith if they are remembered in our church readings.
Sunday evening Worship and Prayer Meetings
Sunday evening Worship and Prayer Meetings are held here at St Nics starting at 5 pm. We will have a break over Christmas.
All are welcome.
Other Times
Check out What's On during the week via the link below