Many of us are involved with the Alpha course. Last week we had 54 adults and 14 youth go through Alpha. Thank you to each one of you taking part in the groups and our group hosts. You are blessing one another. Thank you to Fran and Rob for enabling our hospitality and for our faithful children’s carers on Friday: Jan, John, Andrea and Anne.
One of the striking things in Alpha is the power of story. What we often call testimony. As I prepared today’s talk on Zacchaeus I was struck once again with the power of testimony. I wrote about this in our blog post, His-story in Me and newsletter (Aug 7th) and enjoyed Rob’s recent testimony on his Wescarpade and Camp Quality experiences. (Oct 4th)
What happens when we encounter Jesus? I have been talking with Karen about how we might release testimony in our community. Some of you have walked with Jesus for a considerable time and it would be wonderful to hear some of your insights. How did you first encounter Jesus? What have been some of the highlights of walking and talking with him? What have you found challenging? What has helped you most in your ongoing relationship with Jesus?
Please consider getting involved in this initiative and speak with me or Karen. I am praying for video conversations that we could use in services and on our website. Zacchaeus’ story still speaks today. Your story may well encourage and help someone else.