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Verity Murray
This week we talk to Verity as part of our meet the team series.
Q1 What are your roles/ministry here at St Nicholas?
Currently I am one of the leaders of the children’s ministry at our 10.00 service and I help lead the Nourish women’s group. I am looking forward to helping out at Little Lambs again this year.
Q2 What other ministry have you undertaken in the past?
I have been involved in leading small groups of all shapes and sizes over the years – for children, youth, women or both men and women. I have also organised and led training and mentoring programmes for other small group leaders. I have also led children’s groups of various ages, from 0-3s right up to teens.
Q3 Do you remember when you became a Christian?
I was brought up in a Christian family and have attended church all my life. I was fourteen years old when I made my own personal decision to become a Christian and ask Jesus to become my Lord and Saviour.
Q4 What helps you daily with your walk with Jesus?
I use a daily scripture reading called ‘Daily Light’, and I love prayer walking along the Estuary. Being a member of a small group is also vital for me as it gives me the opportunity to talk and pray with others about my faith.
Q5 Favourite Hymn or worship song
I have too many to pick out a favourite. Currently I love anything by the Northern Irish worship band Rend Collective.
Q6 Any last thoughts? (favourite scripture…what are you reading at the moment?…interesting fact about your self?)
I have been a Christian for 32 years (you can work out my age now!) and God has proved himself faithful to me and my family time and again over the years. I am very thankful to him for his love and care. I am also very grateful for all the Christian friends and family I have had the privilege of walking alongside in my Christian journey. These relationships are so precious to me. Thank you to everyone at St Nick’s who have welcomed me and my family and made us part of your church family.