“Lord, teach us to pray . . . “. Jesus’ disciples watched Jesus praying and wanted to learn how to do it themselves. In response Jesus gave them the Lord’s Prayer. Throughout the six weeks of Lent we have the opportunity to learn and grow more in prayer too, by participating in The Prayer Course: six interactive sessions for small groups, based on the Lord’s prayer, covering topics such as intercession, dealing with disappointment, learning to listen and spiritual warfare. The course has been produced by Alpha International and 24-7 Prayer, and features teaching by Pete Greig, founder of 24-7 prayer.
As Pete Greig says, ‘Prayerfulness doesn’t just get beamed down on super-saints . . . it is the heart and soul of every aspect of our relationship with God’. However, if we are honest, most of us need help with prayer. Come and join us and see where this adventure with prayer may lead you!
When: Tuesdays 3.00-4.30pm starting on February 28th venue to be announced
Wednesdays 7.00-8.30pm at the church building starting on March 1st
Mondays 2.00-3.30pm at the church building starting on March 6th
Find out more at www.prayercourse.org or talk to Jamie or Verity Murray