Forming friendships with the Diocese of Kapsabet

Welcome to +Paul and Seline – a visit from Kapsabet

This week we welcome +Paul of Kapsabet and Seline.

As I explained briefly last week at our service we are exploring a partnership with the diocese of Kapsabet which is in the West of Kenya near the equator. We are considering how we might support one another in prayer and in pooling our experiences and insights in mission. It is very early days. How this will work out will involve all of us carefully following the lead of the Lord as our gospel notes today.

It was my pleasure to meet with +Paul, his wife Seline and two archdeacons Sammy and Elijah on Tuesday. We shared communion together at the cathedral, a tour of the cathedral and then a bible study followed by a trip to the Bunbury Wildlife park. We then returned for lunch , a meeting with + Allan and then Seline addressed the Bunbury Mother’s Union.

As I write this I  know that Cathie and David Broome are kindly hosting the group on Saturday. After the 10 am service on Sunday we are sharing a light lunch together. Please do consider joining us if you are with us at 8 am. We should be starting to prepare lunch around 11:45 am.

In meeting we noted that we share many similar challenges as disciples of Jesus despite our different cultural contexts. We share similar social changes with a move from rural to urban living, the disenfranchisement of youth and a real desire to reach all people with the Good News of Jesus.

For me it is always a joy to meet brothers and sisters who know my heavenly Father as I do and who love the Lord Jesus as I do, and yet we come from such differing backgrounds.

It builds my faith and encourages me that Jesus continues to lead His church and that the increase of His government and peace will know no end. (Isaiah 9:7)

We welcome you +Paul and Seline, and any other guests joining us this week. May the Lord richly bless you all in your time with us.



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