Hit and Run History Event

On Saturday 13 May Harvey History Online and the Australind and Districts Historical Society held a “Hit and Run History” event to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the settlement of Australind. We started with a byo picnic at Ridley Place on the Leschenault Estuary then proceeded on a self drive tour commencing from Henton Cottage at 1pm. Proceeding along the estuary to the Memorial Seat and the Pioneer Park, up to the Australind cemetery on Mount Claremont, back to Upton House and then finishing at St Nicholas Church at 3pm.  A brief reading on the history of each location was presented and time allowed to wander.

 At the St Nicholas church, the door was open to the original church so people could look inside and in the new St Nicholas Church artefacts were on display from the original church and we even had a guest play the box organ.  Devonshire tea was available and a big thank you to everyone who donated towards it and to Ian and Fran and the helpers in the kitchen.

 Over 30 people participated in the tour with more arriving at the church for afternoon tea with everyone having a very enjoyable day.  The money raised from the Devonshire tea is going towards the restoration of the original church and nearly $400 was raised.  

Wendy Dickinson

(Photos by Les Bail)

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