“Do bad people have the Holy Spirit in them?”
“I wonder!…what do you think?”
“No but they did when they were babies. Mary definitely has the Holy Spirit inside her.”
“What, your Grandmother?” I replied.
“No, Jesus’ Mummy. God’s Mummy must have the Holy Spirit in her.”
The deep thinking the children do always inspires me. I’m truly blessed to be involved in this Godly Play ministry. Many of you know that I once was an atheist and then became a Christian – there are many stories of ‘Great’ transformation and they are often the ones we tell. What I personally find the most remarkable are those who have remained faithful to God ever since they can remember or those who became Christian as children or young adults and even after the turmoils of life are still trusting in our God. I pray for this remarkable journey for our children. I pray for this continued deep thinking and wondering and pray that they know the remarkable never ending love of God.