Pathways to Faith

Living as a Christian is often expressed as a journey. I have used this metaphor in a series of explanations called Pathways to Faith. These explain baptism, thanksgiving and confirmation. Last week we welcomed the family and friends of Zoe and Travis Allington as we gave thanks for their daughter Oriana and asked for God’s help in raising her safe, secure and blessed in a relationship with Jesus. A few weeks ago Rev Cathie baptised Noah, Owen and Rylee welcoming them and their families as they too begin a life in community with us, exploring a relationship with Jesus. On November 12th +Allan will be here for the last time before he retires. He will be baptising and confirming Jasmine and any others who would like to join her. Please do look at the guide to confirmation I have produced and consider if this is the right time for you to reaffirm your baptism vows  and to receive prayer  for a further filling of the Holy Spirit. As Paul encourages us be filled and continue to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:18.

Over the next few weeks in anticipation of our Vision day on Sunday October 29th. I will be writing about how we are journeying together and where we might be travelling next! The PC along with various ministry leaders have been working with me over the past 8 months on this. We produced a review of our Action Planning for our PC half day away on July 22nd and to save paper this is available online here

St Nicholas Anglican Minster Strategic Plan 2016

I hope that you will be encouraged by the journey so far! For those without internet access there are three hard copies in church. However I would ask these are not removed. This review gives in some detail the story of progress and the manner in which we have been travelling. From that meeting in July we have prayed and planned and I will describe elements of that over the next few weeks and especially on October 29th. I look forward to sharing this with you all



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