Celebrating our community life together

Next week, Nov 12th   at 9 am we are celebrating our community life together in a joint service with 7 members of our community as they affirm their faith and our bishop prays for them. This will be +Allan’s last time with us before his retirement and I would urge you to join us. There will be a slap up morning tea afterwards I trust!

If you missed last Sunday I am sorry. We had a wonderful time listening to a number of our leaders share their thoughts on ministry and life, considering our next year and beyond. We brought our thanksgiving offerings towards specific projects including our historic church, something that you can still do over the next two weeks.  I was also able to introduce some of the legislative changes that we have to implement following our recent synod including details about voting parishioners, our Parish Council formation and the running of our Annual Meeting of Parishioners. Please see the board at the back of the church for a simple explanation of some of these things. Please register with us using the provided forms to become a member of our electoral roll. This vision sharing was recorded and if you would like to listen to this please ask Alf Holmen.

As many of you are aware I am in the UK as you read this. My father passed away peacefully on Oct 28th  and I have the privilege of taking his funeral. I would like to thank you for your prayers and support. As I said on the 29th at our joint service and vision morning there is nowhere I would rather have been following the news than with you, my church family, celebrating our vision and life together.  I said to Ian that for me it is a safe place and a community of hope. My prayer is that this will be everyone’s experience that joins us in community. As Paul writes

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13



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