Epiphany 2018

The Epiphany and Baptism of Jesus
The visitation of the Kings also referred to as the Wise men and also the Magis signifies Jesus universal claim to be the Messiah for all peoples of faith. For the Jews this was intolerable because they were the chosen people of God with sole access to Him.  For the gentile people (the rest of us) this claim was very hard to comprehend.
The setting of Jesus birth was to set the foundations for the Christian Faith for all history. The God of all creation chose a young woman to bring His only Son into the world. The birth in a stable reveals the humility of God.  Peace will only come to this world when people humble themselves and listen to one another’s point of view in love.
The Shepherds’ greeting of Christ’s birth reveals God’s embracing of all people no matter what position
they hold in life, Jesus Mary and Joseph become refugees in the foreign land of Egypt before His second birthday. These simple facts reveal the nature of God and His love for all.
The Baptism of Jesus
Jesus comes out of the wilderness to be Baptised by John the Baptist in the River Jordon. Following this great event Jesus goes out to a lonely place to face the temptations of life. Following this experience Jesus ministry commences which we all share in today.  It is through Baptism we all commence our journey with Jesus through life.
May 2018 be a year of growing in faith and unity for all who worship in St Nicholas Church. May it be a year of healing for the Christian church in general.
Yours in Christs Service. Ven. Brian Newing

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