Do you know how to give your life fully to God?

This Sunday is a combined service as we are going to be gathering afterwards for our Annual Meeting of Parishioners. If you are a voting parishioner and did not vote last week please make it a priority immediately after the service. Voting must be completed before the start of the AMP which is scheduled for 10:45 am

One of the items for prayer in our monthly Focus has been that people would discover their purpose and sense of place within our community and beyond. The teachings of the bible make it clear that as we follow Jesus individually we do so in community. Communities function like a body, different parts with differing roles and yet working together for a greater expression of life in all its fullness. This life is one of seasons and so we pick up and lay down differing roles within the community as we travel together. That is healthy and allows for rest and restoration as well as fresh energy for new challenges.

I am grateful that so many of you offer yourselves in differing forms of service. Our AMP report gives a flavor of this. As we consider our new Parish Council it is worth noting with thanks the contributions of those who have served over the past year. Trevor, Margaret, Kerry, Chris and Ian are not nominating for council this year and so we thank you for all that you brought in 2017. Debbie, Joe, Alf, Cathie and Suzanne thank you for last year and being willing to nominate for this year.

We took time on October 29th to go through our Vision for the next season with a number of speakers contributing and explaining what is happening.  Most of this stands. We covered Anglican governance including the new statutory guidance; Mission Action Planning and published our review; reflected again on the centrality of prayer to everything we are doing-seeking God’s face-we heard about Godly Play and the possibility of developing our community life on Wednesday evenings.

Closely related to seeking God’s face, we are called to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33) and from that heart give ourselves fully to God’s purposes for our lives. Will you do so this year? Do you know how to discern this? Come and talk to me if you are unsure.



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