A picture says a thousand words… Regularly, we will be featuring snapshots of our life together at St Nicholas Church. If you are a member of our parish and have something to contribute please contact Sophie via the Contact Us form or email the office at stnicholasminster@gmail.com
I wonder…
In Godly Play we are wondering about the Lords Prayer and exploring what it means to pray.
Some great connections are being made by the children.
“I chose the communion table and bread and wine to go with Give us today our daily bread because Jesus tells us to remember him”
“I chose the baby Jesus as he came to Earth from Heaven” this was placed next to Your Kingdom Come picture.
“I chose the candles of Advent because Jesus is the Light of the world”. These were placed next to Our Father in Heaven picture.
“I chose the World Communion story because you need all of the people at the communion table”. This was placed next to Give us today our Daily Bread picture.
I love being part of our Godly Play community.
The Lord be with you…