A good Friday?

The Friday that Jesus was crucified was a day of utter confusion, disillusionment and despair for those who followed and grown to love Him. There had never been anyone like Him . The risk of ongoing persecution was real. Social isolation of a differing sort than we are experiencing, more than likely. I spoke of the sufferings of Jesus last week and, with Suzanne and John, offer a Good Friday service of reflection for you. I hope you find these helpful.

Why do we call it Good Friday ? Thousands of Palestinian Jews were crucified by the Romans, in no way was that ever good. It’s because in Jesus suffering and dying on a Roman cross a unique cosmic victory occurred, a reconciliation was made possible and the way opened for what was to be revealed a few days later. A new creation.

But for today we sit with the disciples in disbelief that something so unjust, so wrong has occurred to someone so fearless, courageous and so amazing.

Lord what are you doing? Why has this happened? Where are you in this Lord? Lord I had hoped….. prayers that some may be uttering for the first time in our current trial..shalom to you on this day. Meet me on Sunday. It’s coming.

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