On Wednesday and Sunday morning here at St Nicholas, I have continued to celebrate the eucharist. Eucharist means literally the good gift, upholding our parish , our nation and our world in prayer, giving thanks for Jesus and for all the grace that meets us each day. Worship and prayer continues in our community with the Prayer Watch , Sunday evening Prayer meeting on Zoom, and our own devotions .
As I blew out the candles this morning wisps of smoke rose up to the ceiling reminding me of the Psalms where it says ‘May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.’ Psalm 141:2. John writes of this in Revelation 8:4 ‘The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.’
Our gospel reading last Sunday spoke of Jesus the Good Shepherd and that His sheep would know His voice. He hears us and we can learn to hear Him. Our prayers are heard even if at times the answers are not as we expect or hope.
May you experience the grace of God today, may you hear His voice. If that’s something that interests you maybe join us next time we run Living Free where we teach more on how to do that.