Men’s group a hands-on approach!

I’d like to thank our men’s group who helped make 20 shields on Wednesday 26th as part of our meeting. These shields are for our children this coming Sunday 30th, as we continue to explore the armour of God at the 10 am service. Verity and I have been working with our families to put together a gathering that can still engage with key truths but in a more accessible way. This has included literally making armour.

The shield of faith is taken up with the understanding that we place our faith in God’s faithfulness. He is our shield. Understanding how to create shield walls in prayer is part of the motivation for our combined churches prayer gatherings. If you haven’t done so please consider listening to our sermons on the Armour of God.

If you enjoy learning kinaesthetically come along to the 10 am service and learn one way of praying on the armour!

As David wrote’ The Lord is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. ‘ Psalm 18: 30

3 thoughts on “Men’s group a hands-on approach!”

  1. Thank you for making all the shields. The kids loved decorating them and showing them off at the end of church on Sunday.


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