Pastoral Care at St. Nicholas

How do we care for our fellow Parishioners? By John Jarvis Pastoral Care Co-ordinator

Pastoral care involves all of us, as we meet week by week, maybe day by day. As we greet people and talk and listen to people, we are showing we care for them.

Much of pastoral care is just that. We befriend people and look after each other and ensure they are o.k.  We, in fact, are doing pastoral care whether we realise it or not.

When we have not seen someone at church for a week or two,  we will phone them up just to see if they are alright. We may discover that they have been unwell and need some errands done. So, we help them. Maybe we go with them shopping of to see the doctor.       

So where does the Pastoral Care Team come into this? What is their role?

Your friend may end up in hospital for a while and so one of the team will visit that person to see how they are progressing. Often, they will be offered Communion, prayed for, and when appropriate anointed with oil. We are doing this in the name of the church. This, of course does not stop you from visiting as a friend.

The team will also visit those who are house bound or in a Care Home, with Communion and have a time of fellowship with them. Instead of them coming to church, we are taking  church to them.      The team is often reliant on you to inform us of those who need a visit or particular help.

Our current  team are Suzanne, Jamie, Verity, Ian, Fran, Jan and John.

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