At the end of Psalm 23, David says
‘Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
This is the scripture I want to be included and reflected upon at my funeral. Since I have been a Christian, I have had many trials and yet overall, I can testify that I have been consistently and greatly blessed. As I walk with the Lord, I am experiencing a Life of Blessing. This is what God intends for us all. From creation to the revelation to Moses to Jesus to now. Walking with the Lord is a life of blessing.
However, in God’s kingdom, we are asked to take on the priestly role of speaking blessings to the creation and all around us. This is what we are going to be exploring in more detail over this new course ‘A Life of Blessing. ‘ There will be teaching each Sunday and then a follow-up for our growth groups throughout the week.
My expectation is that we can be equipped to change the spiritual landscape around us as we step into this ministry of blessing.
Speaking blessing means first being in tune with what is on God’s heart for the area or person or land that you are a blessing. So, we have to seek Him first in prayer and from that place of intimacy speak out His blessing. This opens up a way for the kingdom to break in. That’s why we begin today with the Gospel ( the Good news) of the Kingdom
May you be blessed as you step into this teaching.