Anglican Board of Mission

ABM Landscape Logo

Their Vision

"ABM wants to see people everywhere experience the wholeness of life God offers in Jesus Christ, and supports our partners as they participate in God's mission."

"ABM's philosophy is based on a belief in holistic mission - that God calls us to serve people in all aspects of their lives, from the spiritual to the practical. This includes all the evangelistic activities of the church in its witness to the Good News, such as ministry, theological education and training, and the development of Christian worship and liturgy resources. Mission also includes providing health and education services, helping people to build capacity to improve food and water resources, and assisting in economic development initiatives. In all of its work, ABM seeks to serve God through supporting our Partners in their local witness and service."


ABM's 5 Marks of Mission

  1. Witness to Christ's saving, forgiving and reconciling love for all people.

2. Build welcoming, transforming communities of faith.

3. Stand in solidarity with the poor and needy.

4. Challenge violence, injustice and oppression, and work for peace and reconciliation.

5. Protect, care for and renew life on our planet.

Contact Us

Anglican Board of Mission - Australia Ltd

ABN 18 097 944 717

General Enquiries:

Anglican Board of Mission - Australia

Locked Bag Q4005

Queen Victoria Building NSW 1230



International: +61 2 9264 1021

Local Call: 1300 302 663

Fax: +61 2 9261 3560


Street Address:

Level 6, Druitt St

Sydney NSW 2000
