Stirling Cottage Adventure

Saturday saw some of the nourish ladies off on a road trip to Harvey. It was a time for coffee, cake, laughs and no children. We visited Stirling Cottage on the banks of the Harvey River, this building features the shingled roof, jarrah walls and hexagonal paving blocks of the original cottage built in the mid 1800’s. Check out our photos below. If you want to join us we meet on Fridays during school term, 9.30am at St Nicholas church.

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Our Church Framework – Belong

The next part of our framework for community is Belong.  We experience a sense of growing Belonging in God’s family through small groups, Sunday gatherings and many social and service opportunities.  We want to invite people into our lives together as they explore trust in Jesus.  We recognise this is a process for all of us.

The Good News is that through Jesus, God invites each person to be reconciled to Him and to be adopted into His family.  In His family we share new relationships with others.  We want to welcome all who are interested in exploring this Good News.


Being Creative – Using Prayer Stations in our Church

Come Holy Spirit

Over the last few months we have been praying the Lords Prayer through prayer stations. During Pentecost the children created one of their own which seemed to glow with the light of the Holy Spirit.

This has been a valuable tool in visualising the words that Jesus gave us. As we quieten ourselves before the stations we make it easier to become aware of the inner presence of God’s Spirit. Like all learning listening to the voice of Jesus takes practice, and visualising the words we want to pray is just one way we can use prayer in our daily lives. Have you tried prayer stations before? Perhaps you could try making one at home.

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Our framework for being a community – Bless

St Nicholas has continued to grow and change over 100 years as we have pursued the challenge of following Jesus.  One of our purposes is to know that we are blessed and believe God wants to enable us to be a blessing.

As a community we are exploring how we can be a blessing and bring blessings wherever we find ourselves.  We ask ourselves as a church community in what way are we blessing and to whom?

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.  Ephesians 1:3

Biggest Morning Tea – Thank You

Thank you to everyone involved in our Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser for the Cancer Council. It was a real blessing for us to be a part of this Australia wide event. With combined efforts of cooking ($747) and craft ($307) we raised a total of $1054. Hope you enjoy the photos below.

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