To our guests and St Nic’s community regarding worship tomorrow, Sunday 22nd. We have the capacity for those who wish to come tomorrow to meet the new 2 m distancing requirement and are observing the health guidance regarding spatial distancing and hygiene. Communion will be offered in one kind, the bread only. However we would encourage those of you who are in the more vulnerable categories to remain at home. I will lead and preach at both 8 and 10 am. and there will be evening prayer at 6 pm a usual. We will review this decision after tomorrow. The sermon will be published online for those who are able to access this and I will be sharing resources to assist you in worship and prayer through the next few weeks. We are networking through phone calls, social media and visiting across our established community already. Please look at the newsletter. May we be a blessing to those around us and to one another, casting all our cares upon the Lord who loves us. 1 Peter 5:7