Care & Share

Who are we?

Care & Share is a community group for those who have lost their spouses or are single and live by themselves.  It is for women and for men. There are currently thirty people listed as members, and we would like to reach out to others in the Australind and surrounding community.  We have had non-church members join us on several occasions and welcome everyone's involvement.

We meet once a month, usually on the third Friday, to spend time together, share our lives and care for one another while participating in some interesting and pleasurable activities. A strong bond has developed in this group so that it very much has a family feel.

Our main purpose is fellowship and support - Blessing abundantly and belonging wholeheartedly.

How can I get involved?

Assistance with transport for outings is always needed and would be greatly appreciated. Someone with First Aid qualifications would also be appreciated to accompany us on excursions to ensure our Safe Church requirements are being met. Simply fill out the contact form located here on our website under the 'Contact Us' tab and we will forward your details onto our coordinator for Care & Share.

If you would like to join the group or offer assistance in any way, we would love to hear from you!