Children and Youth Ministry

Currently we are running a Growth Group.
Youth Growth Group
Our Youth Growth Group for children/youth, aged 9-16, meets weekly during the 9am Sunday service. The youth join in worship and receive Holy Communion with the adults and then go to their own room with their leaders.
The youth have chosen the name ‘God’s Outstanding Team’ (G.O.T.) for their group.
Their catch phrase is: “You’ve got to be G.O.T.!”
The Children’s/Youth Group uses the same format as some of the other growth groups at St Nics called ‘The 5Ws’.
The 5Ws
· The Welcome is usually a game which is suitable for everyone to join in.
· Worship may be a song, a poem, a psalm or thank you prayers, for example.
· The Word is studying a piece of scripture. There are many different ways we can do this – including acting out the story, using Godly Play resources to tell the story and watching dramatized clips of Bible accounts.
· Well-Being is taking time to ask each other how we are going and praying for each other.
· Works & Witness is about finding ways to give back to the Church and to bless others. Some of our youth share in the Bible readings during the main service. As a group we all help with the hospitality and clear up on the 1st Sundays of the Month.
Each time we meet we try to include elements of each of the Ws.
All children and teenagers aged 9-16 are welcome. Accommodation may be made for younger children on a case by case basis.
Godly Play
In most religious education children are told what God did. At St Nicholas, we encourage children to discover who God is. We use Godly Play for children aged 3-8 years old.
What is Godly Play?
Godly Play is a Montessori method of telling Bible stories, developed by Jerome Berryman, using parables, sacred stories and liturgical lessons about religious traditions using simple materials. Over the past four years we have invested in developing a well resourced Godly Play room and equipping several qualified Godly Play teachers. However we are unable to sustain this ministry at present due to teachers moving on and increasingly complex statutory requirements. Our solution to this is an initiative being facilitated by our families with primary school age children. We are calling this Families4Families and along with the shared activity resources social opportunities such as shared picnics are happening.
If you are interested in finding out more please contact us for information or visit.

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