We continue to be grateful for your kind donations or quality items. If you have any small furniture items (eg. stools, bedside tables etc) we will welcome them with open arms!
We are welcoming donations again! Please feel free to drop them off in the bins located to the left of the Op Shop or bring them in and say "Hi!" to our friendly volunteers.
Spot Sales - we have regular Spot Sales: as unpredictable as our range!
Bargain priced clothing
Children's clothes and toys from 50c
Clothing for every season
Fancy dress and theme party outfits
Ball gowns from $7
Beautiful jewellery - find something truly unique or a bargain accessory
Homewares and books
Come in, you never know what you can find!
Our Op Shop opening times are:
Monday ,Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10am to 4pm
Wednesday and Saturday: 10 am to 1pm
To view our blog post on the Carols, Cappuccinos & Celebrations (including photos from our Op Shop Fashion Parade!) click here.
Thank you for all your donations we are truly blessed by this community. For health and safety reasons there are some items we can't sell, please see our list below.
- Some baby items- cots, prams, strollers, booster seats, baby capsules
- Some clothing - anything with a workplace logo or official police/military clothing, underwear
- Helmets - motorcycle or bicycle
- Some household items - sharp knives, mattresses, or electrical goods of any description
Thank you for your understanding and please continue to join us in giving generously to bless our community.
The St Nicholas Op Shop began as a ministry of St Nicholas Anglican Church Australind over 20 years ago. The vision was to bless the local community with an Opportunity Shop with affordable second-hand clothing and homewares. This vision continues today - the St Nicholas Op Shop has some of the most affordable priced clothing in the South West! Not only does the Op Shop, once affectionately known as the Paris Road Boutique, bless our local community through its bargain clothing, it provides community engagement for its team of more than 40 volunteers.
The Op Shop is run entirely by volunteers. Our profits go toward supporting local and international missions such as Alpha Australia, Bush Church Aid, Anglican Board of Missions and the Church Missionary Society. We also directly supports St Nicholas Anglican Church Australind and All Saints Donnybrook Anglican Church. These churches in turn support the local community through various ministries including Emergency Relief.
Wonderfully, due to the abundance of donations we receive we are able to support a number of local and international missions:
- Seafarers Mission.
- Women and families in need
- Support the Shoestring Cafe with clothing for the homeless
- Missions to northern rural Australian communities.
- Morrissey House.
- local schools.
- Australia Rags which takes a huge amount of clothing to third world countries.
We continue to be mindful of the needs of our local community by keeping the costs at a minimum. Our commitment is to focus on God’s love continuing to Bless abundantly, Belong wholeheartedly, Believe increasingly, Behave with integrity, and Become Good News.
If you would like to get involved please contact us here.