St Nicholas Anglican Church of Australind is committed to ensuring we are a safe place for young and old.
We affirm that all people have the right to be emotionally and physically safe, respected, and have their views and opinions valued at all times. We also live in a country that legislates for people’s safety.
God calls his body to minister to vulnerable people. God identified classes of vulnerable people who were to be protected and given special care and treatment in society because of their powerlessness (Ex 22:21-22, Deut 10:17-19, Jer 22:2-4, James 1:27).
Our policy has been developed to help us live out our Biblical mandate and our responsibilities under Australian legislation.
If you have a complaint or concern about child sexual abuse or sexual misconduct please contact:
Tracie Chambers-Clark
Director of Professional Standards
Tel (08) 9425 7203 (direct) 0419 935 889
For all other complaints please contact the Diocesan Secretary on (08) 9721 2100 or email