AMP 2018/19 – Get Involved! Step 4: Get in on the Action!

So you’ve enrolled to vote, you’ve been praying about the nominations, you’ve read the report and sent in your questions- now it’s time for action!

Nov 25th AMP Part 1: Elections & Ministry Reports

This is when the actual election happens and where we get an overview of the past ahem… 9-ish months (we’ll explain soon). Voting takes place over 2 weeks (18th & 25th) and is like going to the polls – there’s ballot papers, instructions and you have to get marked on the roll that you’ve voted.

Feb 17th AMP Part 2: Financials & Budget

If you like numbers or are interested in stuff like income and expenditure you don’t want to miss this! This is when we will vote on our budget for 2019. We will release it 2 weeks earlier for us all to analyse and dissect. Again, please send in questions beforehand!

Why the 2 parts?

Having our elections early means our new councillors and office bearers can hit the ground running when they officially start their roles Jan 1st. It also gives a neat six weeks for any handovers to happen. The rhythm may feel off (with only 9 months since our last AMP) but by next year it will feel right in time!

And Voila! AMP accomplissez!

AMP 2018/19 – Get Involved! Step 3: Get in the Know!

This weekend we are releasing our Annual Meeting of Parishioners Report for 2018/19. Thus we humbly introduce to you:

Step 3: Get in the Know!

Inside the Report you will discover a collection of submissions from our Ministry Team Leaders (MTLs) and church leadership sharing their reflections of 2018 and their ministry goals for 2019. (If you would like a copy please get in touch with the church office here.)

Did you know…?

The who, what, when, where, why and how of our many ministries here at St Nic’s Minster? You’ll find some amazing facts and information about our community life in this report. Read it – and get in the know!

FYI the only thing you won’t find in the report is the financials (income, expenditure and budget stuff) – they can only be done at the end of the year so they will be released separately in time for Part 2 (Finances & Budget) of the AMP Feb 24th 2019.

Hang a sec, I have a question…?

We like questions- they’re great for learning stuff! Unanswered questions are not so great. That’s why we love it if you submit your questions before the AMP. That way we can ensure your question gets answered. And who knows? Maybe someone else would really benefit from hearing your question answered!

So please, if possible, submit your questions by Nov 22nd!

Stay tuned for Step 4: Get in on the Action!

AMP 2018/19 – Get Involved! Step 2: Get in the Mix!

Earlier this month we launched our 2018/19 AMP campaign and sent out the call to get those Schedule 9’s in (see our post here). Many of our parishioners jumped into action and before we knew it, those of us in the office had the fun task of compiling this years Electoral Roll.

If you are yet to submit your form, please do so this Sunday!

But enough of that, lets keep the momentum up! Next up is –

Step 2: Get in the Mix!

Nominate for positions – there a four vacant positions on the Parish Council for Councillors (all Councillors must be re-elected each year). Also, we have one vacancy for a Church Warden (we may have a maximum of three Wardens).

The Parish Council is integral to the governance and running of our parish (find out more here). If you are interested in serving our community in this way, speak to Jamie or Suzanne. Nominations close 8th November.

Next in line- Step 3: Get in the Know!

Do you know how to give your life fully to God?

This Sunday is a combined service as we are going to be gathering afterwards for our Annual Meeting of Parishioners. If you are a voting parishioner and did not vote last week please make it a priority immediately after the service. Voting must be completed before the start of the AMP which is scheduled for 10:45 am

One of the items for prayer in our monthly Focus has been that people would discover their purpose and sense of place within our community and beyond. The teachings of the bible make it clear that as we follow Jesus individually we do so in community. Communities function like a body, different parts with differing roles and yet working together for a greater expression of life in all its fullness. This life is one of seasons and so we pick up and lay down differing roles within the community as we travel together. That is healthy and allows for rest and restoration as well as fresh energy for new challenges.

I am grateful that so many of you offer yourselves in differing forms of service. Our AMP report gives a flavor of this. As we consider our new Parish Council it is worth noting with thanks the contributions of those who have served over the past year. Trevor, Margaret, Kerry, Chris and Ian are not nominating for council this year and so we thank you for all that you brought in 2017. Debbie, Joe, Alf, Cathie and Suzanne thank you for last year and being willing to nominate for this year.

We took time on October 29th to go through our Vision for the next season with a number of speakers contributing and explaining what is happening.  Most of this stands. We covered Anglican governance including the new statutory guidance; Mission Action Planning and published our review; reflected again on the centrality of prayer to everything we are doing-seeking God’s face-we heard about Godly Play and the possibility of developing our community life on Wednesday evenings.

Closely related to seeking God’s face, we are called to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33) and from that heart give ourselves fully to God’s purposes for our lives. Will you do so this year? Do you know how to discern this? Come and talk to me if you are unsure.



A new initiative – Gathering on Wednesday

Thank you to Fr Brian for taking the services this Sunday while I am at All Saint’s Donnybrook leading the morning service and then chairing the Annual Meeting of Parishioner’s. Your prayers would be welcome for Rev Cathie and myself and the community there.

Our own AMP takes place next Sunday after a joint service beginning at 9 am. You can vote this Sunday if you have registered as a voting parishioner.  Suzanne has produced an insert guiding you on this process. Alternatively you can vote next week if you wish. All votes need to be cast before we begin the AMP. May the Holy Spirit inspire and guide us. Please do ensure you have collected your Annual Report if you are a voting parishioner, one per household. If you are a parishioner and would like a copy please speak with Ian Craig. Please also pick up your Prayer Focus if you have not already done so. Thank you for joining in the prayer of and for our community.

As I write this there is a delicious aroma wafting through from our church kitchen. For some proclaiming the end of a fast on Ash Wednesday. The Wednesday dinners , a new initiative is up and running. Trudy, team leader for this week, was delighted to tell me that she and her team have a meal for us tonight to feed 40 at $72. I said  I hoped this was not going to become a competition between cooking teams, with someone saying I spent $5 and prayed for multiplication! These meals are open. Come along. It helps if you let us know in advance but it is not essential.

As we enter into Lent remember that we put off things in order to put on things. E.g.  we put off unforgiveness and with the Holy Spirit’s help put on forgiveness. We put off slander and speak truth. We may fast food to feast on God’s presence in prayer. We come into the light of Jesus and perhaps can say

‘Create in me a pure heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me.’

Ps 51v10

Shalom Jamie